Best Practices
Requirements to Train
Roles & Responsibilities
Training Phases
Drop Off & Pick Up
The following Return to Play Handbook includes all club wide protocols required to comply with safe reopening orders. City SC protocols are modeled after CDC, San Diego County and Cal South guidelines. Protocols are designed to execute Phase 1 of our Safe Return to Play plan and are subject to change. They will be lifted as deemed safe and appropriate as we progress towards a return to normal operations. If stricter measures are introduced by the governing organizations listed above, City SC protocols will be updated accordingly.
- Best Practices
- Safety Protocols Overview
- Roles and Responsibilities (Club, Coaches, Parents, Players)
- Training Phases
- Requirements to Train
- COVID19 Symptom Screening Survey
- Drop Off and Pick Up
- When to Stay Home
- Coach Symptom Check
- Equipment Sanitization
- PPE Requirements
- Return to Practice Protocol for Confirmed or Suspected Cases of COVID19
- Return to Practice Protocol for Close Contacts
- Communication Protocol for Confirmed or Suspected Cases of COVID19
- CDC Guidance
We all have a role to play in keeping our community safe and keeping our kids on the field. City SC is calling on all players, parents and coaches to observe the following best practices for returning to play:
- Stay Informed
- Reference for best practices on protecting yourself and others
- Reference and check email regularly for up to date policies and procedures
- Daily Screenings
- Regularly screen all household members for symptoms
- Stay home if you don’t feel well
- If you aren’t sure, stay home
- Practice Extensive Hygiene
- Wash and Sanitize Hands Frequently
- Follow CDC Guidance for Stopping the Spread
- Sanitize High Touch Surfaces Frequently
- Avoid any physical contact with people outside your household
- Avoid spitting
- Cover coughs with elbow, shoulder or tissue
- Do not share water, food, or equipment
- Observe Social Distancing
- Avoid Carpooling
- Report directly to and from your car and designated field via the designated routes
- Stick to designated waiting/observation zones before and after practice
- Work within your assigned area at practice
- Do not linger or congregate on the field or sidelines
- No high fives, fist bumps, hugs, or physical contact with other players/coaches/parents
- Maintain a minimum of 6 feet distance at all times
- Communication
- Club communicate important guidelines, policies and procedures
- Players communicate honestly with parents and coaches if you feel ill
- Parents communicate immediately with coaches if your child has a confirmed or suspected case of COVID19
- Staff communicate suspected or confirmed cases to club immediately
- Ensure the confidentiality of suspected or confirmed cases
- Show respect for families who choose to refrain from attending practice
What we are doing to keep players and coaches safe:
- Keep Sick People Home
- Parents required to check player temps and administer COVID19 Symptom Screening Survey prior to attending practice
- Coaches required to self monitor for symptoms at home
- Coaches will be temp checked before practice
- If you feel sick. STAY HOME. If you are unsure. STAY HOME
- Use PPE
- Hand Sanitizer will be placed at each individual field
- Coaches and players should sanitize hands before, during and after practice
- Recommended that players carry hand sanitizer in their bag if possible
- Coaches keep face coverings on hand at all times
- Coaches required to wear face coverings if they cannot maintain 6 feet of distance with players
- Players are not required to wear face coverings, but it is highly recommended that they carry one for use when 6 feet of distance cannot be maintained
- Hand Sanitizer will be placed at each individual field
- Maintain a Sanitary Training Environment
- Disinfectant solution available at all fields for coaches to sanitize equipment before and after each use
- Gloves and hand sanitizer available at each field
- No sharing equipment
- Practice Physical Distancing
- Early phases of training will be no contact progressing to limited contact
- Players will train in stable groups of 12 players
- Gap between practice start and end times to minimize contact
- Designated Entry and Exit routes for each individual field
- Players must wait in car until 5 minutes before training
- Parents encouraged to return to the car after drop off
- Designated areas around the perimeter of each field to observe/wait to pick up players after training
- Designated areas for individual players to place their backpacks to maintain 6 feet of distance during water breaks
- No congregating or lingering on the sidelines or in the parking lot
- No hugs, high fives, handshakes, fist bumps, etc
- Minimum Requirements for Players to Attend Practice
- Parents complete at home health screening and temp check
- Players bring their own soccer ball and plenty of water
- Highly recommended that players bring face covering and hand sanitizer
- Players must submit required signed COVID19 waivers on first day back. No forms, no practice
- Parents complete at home health screening and temp check
- Communication Protocol for Confirmed/Suspected Cases
- Plan in place for reporting confirmed/suspected cases to local health officials and close contacts
- Identity of players/coaches with confirmed/suspected case will remain private
- Respect families that do not feel comfortable attending training yet!
- Resources For Coaches and Parents
- Instructional Video
- Preparing for practice
- General Drop off/Pick Up Procedures
- What training will look like
- Return to Play Handbook
- Comprehensive and detailed overview of the club’s safe return to play protocols
- FAQs
- For Coaches
- For Parents and Players
- Instructional Video
- Demonstrate compliance with local reopening guidelines
- Work with the City to ensure safe and sanitary training facilities
- Schedule training and set-up fields to ensure social distancing
- Provide clear directional signage and access to hand sanitizer at fields
- Distribute and post return to play protocols
- Train/educate staff, volunteers, parents and players on return to play protocol
- Respect families that are not comfortable returning to play yet
- Keep open lines of communication and report suspected or confirmed cases
- Complete required training and remain informed on club’s return to play protocol
- Understand the symptoms of COVID19 and send symptomatic players home
- Enforce requirements to train
- Ensure no mixing of stable groups until local guidelines allow
- Ensure no sharing of equipment- only coach can touch cones and goals
- Sanitize training equipment before and after each use
- Ensure drills meet social distancing requirements of the respective training phase
- Ensure no contact including handshakes, hugs, high fives and fist bumps
- Communicate with parents on developing situations
- Respect the decisions of individuals to refrain from returning to practices until later
- Do not send your child to practice if you do not feel comfortable. The club and your coach will understand and respect your decision if you are not yet ready to return to play
- Review and comply with the club’s return to field protocols
- Sign required participation waivers and forms before returning to training
- Check your child’s temperature before training. Do not send them to training if their temperature is >100.4°F
- Administer COVID19 Symptoms Survey before training. Do not send your child to practice if they have symptoms.
- Keep your child home if anybody in your household is not feeling well
- Ensure your child has used the restroom prior to dropping them off at practice
- Ensure that your child has their own soccer ball and plenty of water
- Follow the club’s drop off and pick up protocols
- Observe social distancing on the sidelines
- Ensure your child’s equipment is sanitized before and after every training session (cleats, soccer ball, water bottles, clothing, etc.)
- Avoid carpooling
- Notify your coach immediately if your child begins experiencing symptoms or tests positive for COVID19
- Check emails regularly to stay informed on updated protocol
- Communicate honestly with your parents and coaches if you are not feeling well before, during or after practice
- Stay home if you feel sick
- Wash hands thoroughly before and after training
- Clean/sanitize soccer ball, cleats, clothing, water bottles etc. before and after training
- Do not share water, food or equipment
- Do not touch cones, goals or equipment that you did not personally bring to practice
- Practice social distancing during training, water breaks, drop off and pick up
- Place equipment in designated areas and at least 6 feet apart
- No high fives, handshakes, fist bumps, hugs or group celebrations
- No spitting on the field
- Enter and exit the field through designated gates
- Respect teammates who are not comfortable returning to play yet
What does a return to soccer look like?
A safe return to the field will require a methodical progression through several key phases until we can resume competitive games and tournaments. Movement through these phases will be dictated by government officials in compliance with the established reopening guidelines at the state/county/city level.
Safety Protocols:
City SC will align our club wide COVID19 policies and procedures with CDC, State, County, and City guidelines. Examples of measures and strategies that you may see on the field include:
- Minimum requirements to attend training and games
- Symptom monitoring requirements
- Application of PPE (facemasks, hand washing, sanitizing of equipment and facilities)
- Training of staff and volunteers to implement safety protocols
- Parent and player education on safety policies, procedures and best practices.
- Communication protocols for reporting symptoms, close contacts or scaling up protocols to reduce to increase restrictions
- No Contact Curriculum- Individual skills and fitness drills that can be performed while maintaining 10 feet of distance between players
- Small Group Training Format- Teams may be broken up into multiple time slots and will train in smaller stable groups to maximize social distancing
- Shorter practice time slots
- Staggered start times to maximize social distancing
- No sharing of water or equipment
- Limited Contact Curriculum- Can include up to 4v4 games
- Possible expansion of Stable Training Groups & total number of players allowed on the field
- No sharing of water or equipment
- Shorter practice time slots and staggered start times
- Introduction of controlled scrimmages and small sided games
- Minimize physical contact (still no handshakes, high fives, hugs, fist bumps, etc)
- No sharing of water and equipment
- Recommend no travel to events outside of SD County
- Return to competitive games and tournaments
- No training restrictions
- No sharing water
- Limit sharing of equipment
- Recommend social distancing practices still be maintained by leagues and clubs at games and events
- Parents must administer the COVID19 Symptom Screening Survey and check temperature at home before each practice (SURVEY BELOW)
- STAY HOME if you feel sick or have a fever of >100.4°F
- STAY HOME if members of your household feel sick
- Players required to bring the following equipment
- Soccer Ball
- Water
- Face Covering & Hand Sanitizer Highly Recommended
- Sign and submit required waivers and forms
- Clean/sanitize soccer ball, water bottle, cleats and clothing before and after training
- Avoid carpooling
- Observe social distancing on the sidelines and when walking to/from the field
- Parents are required to administer the following survey at home prior to each practice to screen their child for COVID19. Do not send your child to practice if they do not pass the health screening
- Staff will be required to submit to a temperature check and answer the following survey questions before beginning their shift. Do not proceed to work if you do not pass the health screening
Step 1: Temperature Check
- Temperature must be less than 100.4°F to proceed to training
Step 2: Symptom Survey
In the past 24 hours have you experienced any of the following symptoms:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headaches
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
Diagrams highlighting entry and exit routes will be provided for each field.
Drop Off Procedure:
- Players remain in their car until 5 minutes before the start of practice
- Players report directly from their car to their field via the designated entry path for their field. Parents may drop their child off or park and walk them to their designated field. Parents are encouraged to return to the car after dropping their child at their field
- Players place their backpack in designated areas around the perimeter of their field and wait for their coach. Maintain 6 feet distance at all times
- Coaches will greet players and send them to their designated workspace one by one
Pick Up Procedure:
- After being dismissed by their coach players can either wait in the designated waiting zones/passive areas around the perimeter of the field for their parents to collect them or proceed to the parking lot via the designated exit for their field to be picked up (Pine Park parents must park and walk inside the field to collect players)
- No lingering or congregating on the sidelines. Maintain 6 feet of distance at all times
If my child is not feeling well should I still send them to practice?
No. Keep your child home if they do not feel well, even if their symptoms are not consistent with COVID19. If you are not sure, err on the side of caution and keep them home.
If a member of my household is not feeling well should I still send my child to practice?
No. If a member of your household does not feel well, do not send your child to practice, even if your child is feeling ok and even if symptoms are not consistent with COVID19.
What happens if my child starts feeling sick while at practice?
If your child is not feeling well at practice, your coach will contact you and ask that you pick him/her up. Continue to monitor your child’s symptoms. If they are showing symptoms of COVID19, keep them home for at least 72 hours from when they have recovered from symptoms, and 10 days from when symptoms first occurred.
What should I do if my child shows symptoms or tests positive for COVID19 after returning to practice?
Contact your coach immediately. Your coach will initiate necessary communication protocols including alerting local health officials and close contacts if necessary. Your child’s identity will be kept private. Keep your child home from practice until at least 72 hours with no fever without use of fever reducing medications and symptoms improved and 10 days from when symptoms first appeared. Reference CDC Guidelines for Isolation, and CDC guidelines for symptom based vs. test based strategies for ending isolation.
What should I do if a member of my household shows symptoms or tests positive for COVID19?
Keep your child home from practice until 14 days after their last exposure and monitor for symptoms. Follow the CDC Guidelines for Quarantine.
What should I do if my child or a member of my household tests positive for COVID19 but has no symptoms?
Keep your child home from practice until 10 days have passed since the positive test, or until two negative tests in a period greater than 24 hours. Follow the CDC Guidelines for Ending Home Isolation.
What should I do if my child has recently been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID19?
If your child has been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID19 within 48 hours prior to the confirmed case showing symptoms, keep them home for 14 days and monitor for symptoms. See CDC Guidelines for Community Related Exposure.
- Coaches should self monitor for symptoms at home
- Stay home if you are feeling sick. Contact your DOC if you are not feeling well to arrange cover for practice
- Arrive at field 30 minutes prior to training time and check in at Temp Check Tent
- Temperature of <100.4℉ required to proceed to the field
- If Coach temperature registers >100.4°F coach will be sent home and alternate coach will run their session
Before Practice:
- After passing temp check, coach proceed to Equipment Sanitization area
- Spray cones, extra soccer balls and any equipment that will be used at training
After Practice:
- Proceed to Equipment Sanitization area
- Spray all equipment used at training before packing up and leaving the field
- Face Coverings
- Coaches required to have on hand at all times. Must be worn when six feet of distance cannot be observed
- Players NOT required to wear face coverings but encouraged to have on hand for use when six feet of distance cannot be observed
- Reference CDC Guidance for Face Coverings
- Hand Sanitizer
- Hand sanitizer pumps will be placed around the fields to be accessible for players and coaches before, during and after training
- Disinfectant Solution
- Will be available at each site for staff to sanitize equipment before and after each use
- PPE Supply Bin
- Each site will have a bin that includes extra face coverings, gloves, hand sanitizer, disinfectant solution and a thermometer
- Symptom-based strategy. Exclude from practice until:
- At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recoverydefined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and,
- At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared
- Test-based strategy.Exclude from practice until:
- Resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
- Improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath), and
- Negative results of an FDA Emergency Use Authorized COVID-19 molecular assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from at least two consecutive respiratory specimens collected ≥24 hours apart (total of two negative specimens)[1]. See Interim Guidelines for Collecting, Handling, and Testing Clinical Specimens for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Of note, there have been reports of prolonged detection of RNA without direct correlation to viral culture
Coaches/Volunteers/Players with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 who have not had any symptoms (Either strategy is acceptable depending on local circumstances):
- Time-based strategy.Exclude from practice until:
- 10 days have passed since the date of their first positive COVID-19 diagnostic test assuming they have not subsequently developed symptoms since their positive test. If they develop symptoms, then the symptom-basedor test-based strategy should be used. Note, because symptoms cannot be used to gauge where these individuals are in the course of their illness, it is possible that the duration of viral shedding could be longer or shorter than 10 days after their first positive test
- Test-based strategy. Exclude from practice until:
- Negative results of an FDA Emergency Use Authorized COVID-19 molecular assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from at least two consecutive respiratory specimens collected ≥24 hours apart (total of two negative specimens). Note, because of the absence of symptoms, it is not possible to gauge where these individual are in the course of their illness. There have been reports of prolonged detection of RNA without direct correlation to viral culture
*Note that detecting viral RNA via PCR does not necessarily mean that infectious virus is present.
City SC will consult with local infectious disease experts when making return to practice decisions for individuals who might remain infectious longer than 10 days (e.g., severely immunocompromised).
If coaches/volunteers/players had COVID-19 ruled out and have an alternate diagnosis (e.g., tested positive for influenza), criteria for return to work should be based on that diagnosis.
After returning to practice, coaches/volunteers/players should:
- Wear a facemask for source control at all times while on the training ground until all symptoms are completely resolved or at baseline. A facemask instead of a cloth face covering should be used by these coaches/volunteers/players for source control during this time period while in the facility if possible
- Self-monitor for symptoms, and seek re-evaluation from occupational health if respiratory symptoms recur or worsen
Coaches/volunteers/players who have been in close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID19 must stay home and quarantine for 14 days from last exposure to monitor for symptoms.
A close contact is anybody who has been in close physical contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID19 within 48 hours prior to that person experiencing symptoms.
- Parents contact coach immediately if their player has a confirmed or suspected case of COVID19 after returning to practice
- Coach will contact Directors of Coaching
- Directors of Coaching will notify local health officials and all members of the player’s stable training group if necessary and advise on next steps
- The player’s identity will be kept confidential
- If the player’s symptoms first occurred within 48 hours of attending practice, team practices will cease for 14 days and all members of the stable training group are encouraged to stay home and monitor for symptoms
- The confirmed/suspected case will follow the Return to Practice Protocol outlined previously in this document
Return to Field FAQs
FAQs: What practice will look like…
Where can I reference the details of City SC’s Safe Return to Practice Plan?
Please reference the City SC Return to Play Handbook for the most detailed and current COVID19 Protocols. The handbook is be posted on on the Return To Play Guidelines page.
When will my team return to practice?
Practices are scheduled to resume the week of June 15, 2020.
What will practice look like when we go back?
Initially, players will train in stable groups of 12 players. Sessions will be strictly no contact with players working in their own individual grid. Drills will focus on individual skills, fitness and possibly passing exercises. As it is deemed safe, restrictions will be eased to allow for contact drills, increasing the size of stable groups and eventually scrimmages and games will resume.
How long will it be until practice returns to normal?
It is unknown how much time we will spend in each phase of our return to field plan before resuming “normal” practice activity. We will follow guidelines from San Diego County and the City of Carlsbad with regard to easing training restrictions and moving through each phase of the return to field plan.
What steps is the club taking to help prevent the spread and keep players safe?
- Training in stable groups of 12 players
- No contact curriculum progressing gradually to limited contact and full contact
- Designated entry and exit points for each field and designated waiting/observation zones before and after practice to promote social distancing
- Access to hand sanitizer at all fields
- Return to Play Handbook- Education, Policies and Procedures
- Adherence to CDC Guidelines and recommendations for maintaining physical distancing on the field
- Adherence to local and CDC Guidelines for handling confirmed and suspected cases
Will the club take players’ temperatures before practice?
No, we will not take player temperatures. Parents are required to monitor their children’s symptoms at home and take their temperature before training.
Are players or coaches required to wear face coverings at training?
Players are not required to wear face coverings at training. We strongly recommend players carry a face covering at all times for use when social distancing is difficult to achieve.
Coaches are required to have a face covering on hand at all times and must wear a face covering if they are unable to maintain six feet of distance with players, parents or staff.
Reference the CDC’s Guidance on Face Coverings.
Will players have access to hand sanitizer at the fields?
Yes. Hand sanitizer will be easily accessible at all fields. We recommend players also carry hand sanitizer in their bags if possible.
What should I do if I don’t feel comfortable sending my child to practice?
Do not send your child to practice if you do not feel comfortable yet. Our staff understands that all families are at a different risk for exposure and will fully respect your decision to keep your child home until you feel comfortable. If you prefer to keep your child home until a later date, please communicate your plans to your coach.
What do I need to do as a parent to prepare to send my child to practice?
1) Keep your child home if they don’t feel well and screen for COVID19 Symptoms before practice
- Check Temperature (must be <100.4°F)
- Administer COVID19 Symptom Screening Survey
- Examine for visual signs of illness such as flushed cheeks, fatigue, irritability
2) Talk to your child about the importance of observing social distancing at practice
3) Educate yourself and your child on the pick-up and drop-off procedures at your field
4) Make sure your child has a soccer ball and plenty of water
FAQs: Drop off and Pick Up Procedures…
What is the Drop Off procedure before practice?
Reference the City SC Guidelines page at for Drop Off procedure and a diagram for your field. General Drop Off Procedures are as follows:
- Players remain in car until 5 minutes before practice start time
- Players proceed directly from their car to their field via designated entry route
- Players place bags in designated areas around the perimeter of the field
- Maintain 6 feet of distance from teammates, coaches and other parents at all times
What is the Pick Up procedure after practice?
Reference the City SC Guidelines page at for Pick Up Procedure and a diagram for your field. General Pick Up Procedures are as follows:
- After practice, players can either proceed directly to the parking lot to wait for their parents OR can move to the passive areas/ designated waiting zones surrounding the perimeter of the field and wait for their parents to park and collect them from practice.
- No lingering or congregating on the fields. Maintain 6 feet of distance from teammates, coaches and other parents at all times
What if I drive myself to practice?
Stay in your car until 5 minutes before your practice start-time. Report directly to your field for practice, and directly back to your car after practice. Place your equipment in the designated area around the perimeter of your field and wait for your coach to direct you to your work space. Maintain 6 feet of distance while walking to and from the field and your car– no congregating on the sidelines or in the parking lot.
Are parents allowed to stay and watch practice?
Parents are strongly encouraged to return to the car after dropping their child off and to remain in their car for the duration of practice to minimize the amount of people on the field.
Is carpooling allowed?
Carpooling is strongly discouraged until we resume normal practices. Please avoid carpooling if at all possible.
What should I do if I rely on a carpool to get my child to practice?
If you are unable to provide transportation to practice, it is acceptable to keep your child home while social distancing measures are in place. Just communicate your situation to your coach.
FAQs: When to stay home and protocol for suspected or confirmed cases of COVID19…
If my child is not feeling well should I still send them to practice?
No. Keep your child home if they do not feel well, even if their symptoms are not consistent with COVID19. If you are not sure, err on the side of caution and keep them home.
If a member of my household is not feeling well should I still send my child to practice?
No. If a member of your household does not feel well, do not send your child to practice, even if your child is feeling ok and even if symptoms are not consistent with COVID19.
What happens if my child starts feeling sick while at practice?
If your child is not feeling well at practice, your coach will contact you and ask that you pick him/her up. Continue to monitor your child’s symptoms. If they are showing symptoms of COVID19, keep them home for at least 72 hours from when they have recovered from symptoms, and 10 days from when symptoms first occurred.
What should I do if my child shows symptoms or tests positive for COVID19 after returning to practice?
Contact your coach immediately. Your coach will initiate necessary communication protocols including alerting local health officials and close contacts if necessary. Your child’s identity will be kept private. Keep your child home from practice until at least 72 hours with no fever without use of fever reducing medications and symptoms improved and 10 days from when symptoms first appeared. Reference CDC Guidelines for Isolation, and CDC guidelines for symptom based vs. test based strategies for ending isolation.
What should I do if a member of my household shows symptoms or tests positive for COVID19?
Keep your child home from practice until 14 days after their last exposure and monitor for symptoms. Follow the CDC Guidelines for Quarantine.
What should I do if my child or a member of my household tests positive for COVID19 but has no symptoms?
Keep your child home from practice until 10 days have passed since the positive test, or until two negative tests in a period greater than 24 hours. Follow the CDC Guidelines for Ending Home Isolation.
What should I do if my child has recently been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID19?
If your child has been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID19 within 48 hours prior to the confirmed case showing symptoms, keep them home for 14 days and monitor for symptoms. See CDC Guidelines for Community Related Exposure.
What happens if a member of my team has a suspected or confirmed case of COVID19?
The club has a responsibility to report close contacts but also maintain privacy of confirmed or suspected cases. If a member of your team reports a confirmed or suspected case, while the player’s identity must be kept private, all members or your child’s training group will be notified of the potential exposure and advised on next steps based on the situation.
FAQs: Outlook for the remainder of the season…
Will my team be able to play in summer tournaments?
We are unsure if and when summer tournaments will be able to resume. Individual tournaments will make these decisions based on guidance from their respective County.
Is the Fall league scheduled to start on time?
As of now, yes, all the leagues that our teams participate in intend to begin fall league play as scheduled.