About Recreational Program
The City SC San Marcos Recreational Program is overseen by the Recreation Director, Matt Dolan.
If you are looking for a place to play, then look no further. City SC San Marcos has the experience, knowledge, and resources to fulfill every soccer player’s needs.
City SC San Marcos runs two recreational seasons in the calendar year. The first is the 8-week Spring Arena League, followed by our widely popular Fall Recreation League, which runs from August to November. Fall registration ends in July, and this league fills up quickly, so be sure to sign up quickly.
Director of Recreation Programs: Matt Dolan |
Spring Registration
We still have spots open in our U5 and U8 Divisions.
All other divisions are sold out, but you can join the waitlist by going to the registration link above!
Please note that we are using a new registration platform, Sprocket Sports.
All users will have to create a new account in order to move forward with registration.
Arenas with artificial grass remain open for play unless lightning is present. The inflatable Sunset Arena games may be canceled if the grass is closed by City Parks, phone for weather update.

Cost: Early Bird pricing ends December 31st ~ $145
Season fee after December 31st: $155
- Play dates:
March 1stMarch 8thMarch 15thMarch 22ndMarch 29thApril 5thApril 12thApril 19thApril 26thMay 3rd
- Our registration is now OPEN for our 2025 Spring Arena Season
- All players will get an Arena Season Shirt.
- Arena Games on Saturday starting TBD
- U8-U19 will play either at Sunset Arena or Bradley Arena.
- Younger divisions (U5-U7) will play in the inflatable arena on GRASS at Sunset Park. Park RAIN OUT PHONE LINE SPORTS FIELD WEARTHERLINE 760 744-9494 EXT. 2
AFTER 2PM WEEKDAYS / 7AM SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS - Games will start at 8am and continue until finished each Saturday, Inflatable will be called off for inclement weather if City Park and Rec for San Marcos deem necessary. Sunset and Bradley Arena will cease if lighting is present but not rain.
- All teams are CoEd.
- Age divisions are listed below.
- Teams are run by volunteer coaches.
- There are no practices, just games.
Where is Sunset Arena? Navigate to the Sunset Park Dog Park to find the Arena and Inflatable Arena more easily. 3337 La Mirada DriveWhere is Bradley Arena? The Arena is located on S. Pacific Street (at Linda Vista Drive) on the “backside” of Bradley Park. -
Arena Rules.docx are also in Forms and Downloads Menu
Age Brackets (U stands for under)
Under 5: U5 players (born in 2021) – Turning age 4 in 2025 Under 7: U6/U7 players (born in 2019 & 2020) Under 8: U8 players (2018) Under 10: U10 players (born in 2016 & 2017) Under 12: U11/U12 players (born in 2014 & 2015) Under 14: U13/U14 players (born in 2012 & 2013) Under 16: U15/U16 players (born in 2010 & 2011) Under 19: U17/U18/U19 players (born in 2007 -2009)For questions – contact matt@cityscsanmarcos.com
Summer Futsal Season
2025 Summer Futsal Season Information
Welcome to the 2025 Summer Futsal Season!
League is coed. No practices; Saturday morning 1-hour sessions.
Futsal is a soccer-based game played on a hardcourt (often a basketball court). Futsal is played between two teams of 5 players each, one of whom is the goalkeeper. Walls or boards are not used. It is played with a smaller, harder, and lower-bounce ball. The surface, ball, and rules favor ball control and passing in small spaces. The game emphasizes control, improvisation, creativity, and technique.
Based upon enrollment, players will be broken up by age. Each age group will be assigned one hour per Game Day (Saturday mornings between 9a-1p). During the 1-hour weekly session, players can expect coaching from our professional coaches and staff members as well as game play. League is Co-Ed, Saturdays only. There are not additional practices.
Corky Smith Gym in San Marcos (274 Pico Avenue)
We are accepting players U05 (2020) through U14 (2011). Players of all skill levels are welcome, however this is a Recreation Season and instruction will be tailored for our developmental players (not Competitive).
IMPORTANT DATES 2024 (2025 will be announced soon!)
Last Day Registration – May 31
Game Days – June 22 & 29, July 13 & 20 & 27
- April 20 – May 31: U5 – U14 = $100
- June 1 – June 22 (*Late Registration, placement not guaranteed): U5 – U14 = $100
- League T-Shirt
- Trained coaches
- Training & Game Play at each session
- All registration is online via our links on this page.
- Registration will close on May 31st. After May 31st, players will be placed onto the waitlist.
- Please contact TeamSnap Chat Feature for issues regarding registration issues.
- Players must wear shin guards.
- Players must wear tennis shoes or Futsal shoes (no cleats, no nubs)
For cancellations or refunds please contact us at: info@cityscsanmarcos.com
Any Other Questions? Please email: info@cityscsanmarcos.com
Fall Registration
Welcome to the 2025 Fall Recreation Season! We look forward to a fun and exciting season!
Registration for Fall 2024 is now closed. Registration for Fall 2025 will open soon!
U5-U14 Season runs from August 23 – November 5.
U16-U19 Season/Game Days – Saturdays or Sundays TBA
Practices begin in early August.

Last Day Early Bird Registration –
Last Day Regular Registration –
Player Evaluations (invitations will be sent to those who need to attend) – TBA
Practices can begin – August TBA
Onsite Coach Meeting & Training – TBA
Team Manager Meeting (Walnut Grove South Red Barn) & Uniform Pick Up (Walnut Grove North Brown Barn) – TBA
2025 Game Days U5-U14 –
Game Days U16-U19 – Saturdays or Sundays from TBD
Picture Day – TBD
All-Star Assessment – November 8th, 2025
All of our volunteer coaches are given training and tools to help them be successful. If you are interested in becoming a coach, pleaseNEW THIS YEAR – Head Coaches will receive a refund for discounted registration for their child on their team. Discount will make registration only $100 per player. Refund will be processed upon completion of Coach Onboarding & Team Assignment. Please note: this discount is available only for 1 Head Coach per team.
- April 20 – May 31: U5 – U7 = $150 | U8-U19 = $175
- June 1 – July 12: U5 – U7 = $175 | U8-U19 = $190
- July 13 – August 23 (*Late Registration, placement not guaranteed): U5 – U7 = $175 | U8-U19 = $190
Registrations can be canceled BY the following dates for a refund (partial or full) of paid registration fees. Please see chart below for cutoff dates:
- On or before July 21 for a 100% refund
- On or before August 4th for a 75% refund
- On or before August 23rd for a 50% refund
- No refunds after August 24th
AGE BRACKETS/FORMAT (some age groups may be combined based on enrollment and field space)
Under 5: U5 players (born in 2020) play 4v4 with up to 12 players per team
Under 6: U6 players (born in 2019) play 4v4 with up to 12 players per team
Under 7: U7 players (2018) play 5v5 with up to 9 players per team (may play to 6v6 if both coaches are in agreement)
Under 8: U8 players (2017) play 7v7 with up to 11 players per team
Under 9: U9 players (2016) play 7v7 with up to 11 players per team
Under 10: U10 players (born in 2015) play 7v7 with 11 players per team
Under 12: U11/U12 players (born in 2013 & 2014) play 9v9 with up to 13 players per team
Under 14: U13/U14 players (born in 2011 & 2012) play 11v11 with up to 15 players per team
Under 16: U15/U16 players (born in 2009 & 2010) play 11v11 travel team and may play on Sundays
Under 19: U17/U18/U19 players (born in 2006 -2008) play 11v11 travel team and may play on Sundays
- Home and away City SC San Marcos uniforms U8 and up
- Colorful uniforms for lower division players U7 and below
- Trophy (U07 and below only)
- Picture package
- Referees for all upper-division matches
- Trained and licensed volunteer coaches
- This is a request and NOT a guarantee!
- The buddy request should ONLY be submitted by our lower divisions U5-U7 (ages 2018-2020).
- The buddy request MUST be reciprocal!
- The buddy request is ONLY for ONE person; if there are additional names in the field, we will not consider any of them.
- These rules are to avoid unbalanced teams.
- Players cannot wear any jewelry or watches on the field, that includes earrings.
- Players must wear shin guards, or they cannot play in the match.
- Players must wear soccer cleats or other shoes but cannot wear baseball, football, or any other style of cleats with a toe spike. You can wear athletic shoes, but be aware that they are thinner and provide less protection for their feet.
Players cannot wear any jewelry or watches on the field, that includes earrings.
Players must wear shin guards, or they cannot play in the match.
Players must wear soccer cleats or other shoes but cannot wear baseball, football, or any other style cleats with a toe spike. You can wear athletic shoes, but be aware that they are thinner and provide less protection for their feet.
For cancellations or refunds, please contact us at: info@cityscsanmarcos.com
Any Other Questions? Please email: matt@cityscsanmarcos.com
General Information
Home Jersey = Navy Away Jersey = Red
Game cards will be available for pickup at the board table.
Remember that this is recreation; we play so the kids can have fun. Please always keep that as your focus and remind your parents the same. We want to hear cheers for all players on both teams. Leave all your negativity at home.
Referees: Please be aware that many of our referees are minors, and I have no tolerance for abusive behavior of them. If coaches, players, or parents treat them poorly, I will ask them to leave the field. Please be a role model and teach the players and parents to respect the officials.
If you have an issue with a referee, please head over (or send someone) to the board table so we can assist you at the field.
Field Layout
Indirect Free Kicks: An indirect free kick from which a goal can ONLY be scored if another player, on any team, touches the ball after it has been kicked.
Informational Documents
2024 Coach Meeting Presentation