The Level Up camp is about creating a dynamic learning environment where your child will get a better understanding of how to play in attacking and defending transitions to improve decision making and execution. Each day (3-hour session) consists of a warm-up, theme of the day and end of the day competitive challenge.
COACHES: Kino Valdez and staff |
Date | Location | Time | Cost | Register |
July 24-27, 2023 | Connors Park – MAP | 9am – 12pm | $135 | REGISTER NOW |
Our sessions are delivered with a large emphasis on players pushing themselves, whilst enjoying themselves, as we understand that is how you improve the most.
What you will learn:
- Attacking and defending principles
- How to transition between attacking and defending
- A focus on transitioning quickly to attack
- Individual skills
- Decision making and execution
- Come 15-20 minutes early for camp check-in
- Bring a soccer ball (with player’s name on it)
- Bring snacks
- Bring lots of water to stay fully hydrated at all times
- Every player must wear proper soccer attire; t-shirt, shorts, long socks, shin guards & cleats – really important for the safety of the players
Camp is overseen by our Director of Coaching, Kino Valdez, along with our professional coaching staff.
Spaces will fill up quickly. Questions? email:
Camp Flyer is available here