Golazo Getters Shooting and Finishing Camp

The Golazo Getters camp is about improving your shooting and finishing with a focus on repetition and learning the proper way to finish breakaways, crosses, volley shots, 1v1s and other situations.   Each day (3-hour session) consists of a warm-up, theme of the day and end of the day competitive challenge.

COACHES:  Kino Valdez and staff
WHO: Competitive players
WHAT: 4 day camp
AGES: 6-14 years old


Date Location Time Cost Register
August 7-10, 2023 Walnut Grove Park (North Field) – MAP 9am – 12pm $135 REGISTER NOW


Our sessions are delivered with a large emphasis on players pushing themselves, whilst enjoying themselves, as we understand that is how you improve the most.

What you will learn:

  • Striking (Ball striking, working on shooting with power, curling the ball and chipping the ball: using various surfaces of both feet from various distances and angles)
  • Crossing and finishing – working on delivery and clever movement with finish from inside the box
  • Overloads (Counter Attacking, 2v1 and 3v2 situations)
  • Receiving to shoot (1v1s pressure in front, behind and to the side)
  • Every repetition counts (Create muscle memory through deep, focused practice with expert analysis and feedback to improve technique)


  • Come 15-20 minutes early for camp check-in
  • Bring a soccer ball (with player’s name on it)
  • Bring snacks
  • Bring lots of water to stay fully hydrated at all times
  • Every player must wear proper soccer attire; t-shirt, shorts, long socks, shin guards & cleats – really important for the safety of the players

Camp is overseen by our Director of Coaching, Kino Valdez, along with our professional coaching staff.

Spaces will fill up quickly. Questions? email: kino@cityscsanmarcos.com

Camp Flyer is available here