Coach Nelson’s 2008 Premier Girls team who reached the Final
Congratulations to our girls and boys teams who have recently completed their seasons playing in the SoCal State Cup. As a whole, the club showed very well, with many teams making it to the final stages of their respective competitions. In particular, our 2008 Premier team made it to the final and our 2008 Gold girls and 2013 Academy boys teams made it to the semi-finals.
City SC San Marcos Director of Coaching, Kino Valdez, commented “We are all very proud of the accomplishments of all our teams that participated in State Cup. Almost half of our teams made it to the knockout rounds, which is a testament to the hard work the players and coaches put in during the year. We had multiple teams make it to the quarter final round and beyond with our G2008 Premier team finishing as finalists. We can’t wait to see the continued growth this coming year and even more success in league and tournament competitions.”
Congratulations to all of our participating City SC teams and a special mention to the below teams who made it to the Round of 32 or beyond:

Coach Ricardez’s 2008 Gold Girls team who reached the Semi Final
B2014 Premier – Tackaberry
B2013 Premier – Villalobos
G2013 Premier – Lapeyre
G2012 Premier – Downey
B2011 Premier – Tackaberry
G2011 Premier – Tackaberry
B2012 Premier – Trujillo
G2011 Premier II – Turner
B2010 Premier – Kelly
G2010 Academy – Valdez
B2009 Academy – Salas
G2009 Academy – Villalobos
B2008 Gold – Breen

Coach Salas’s 2013 Academy Boys team who reached the Semi Final
B2007 Academy – Escudero
B2013 Academy – Salas
G2008 Gold – Ricardez
G2008 Premier – Escudero